Muay Thai and striking, one powerful punch and kick at a time, at our state-of-the-art facility

At Singdam, we're driven by martial arts passion and our dedication to students. We've created an environment where all can excel. Founded in 2010 as No Mercy MMA Academy by renowned Muay Thai Coach, Ashley Guishard, with 30+ years of experience and titles like WKA British Champion. Ashley's expertise has transformed us into a top Muay Thai destination. Upon relocating to Altrincham, we merged with Lions Den and are now proudly part of Spartan Fitness and Performance.

Join us for a Session

Adult classes for all abilities:

TUESDAY 7pm - 9pm : Muay Thai Conditioning/ Technique/ Play Sparring

THURSDAY 7pm - 9pm: Muay Thai Fitness Circuit Burnout

SATURDAY 2pm - 4pm : Muay Thai Advanced Technique & Hard Sparring

SUNDAY 11am : Ladies Only Muay Thai including half an hour sparring 11-1pm

All classes cost per session or monthly memberships available!

Private lessons available on request with all coaches!



Upcoming Interclub Show

Juniors & Seniors
Sunday 22nd October 2023
Starts 1pm